Thursday, February 17, 2011


Today I had my baseline and some questions answered. The u/s lady only counted 3 antral follicles on my left and 13 on my right. I guess 16 is a good number although what's up with my left side? I hardly had any there last IUI either. I think my left side is pretty lazy. I didn't talk to my RE since he was out this morning but already had the plan written up. I'm just going to give up control and we get what we get. Since I didn't have a huge antral follicle count I'm not too worried about getting more than 10-15 mature eggs. And we will likely fertilize them all but Nurse J said we could wait and talk to the embryologist after the ER and then decide what we want to do. We decided to wait until Sunday to start stims so that I can avoid a possible appointment on Saturday when I can't get out of work. Now my first monitoring appt. will be next Friday and she thinks I'll be pretty close to ready by then. I might have to go back Sunday but she thinks we'll trigger Saturday for a Monday ER. Now I still need to find a way to get someone to work for me that Monday. ET is taken care of now matter what day it falls on. Wow, I guess when I write it all out, it makes me feel better. If I can just get someone lined up for Monday the 28th just in case. I can always cancel and go to work myself if it doesn't end up to be on that day. I feel a little better now. I'm going to acupuncture on Monday. Its a holiday so I have the whole day off and while I hate to drive the 45 min. to SF just for the acupuncture appointment, I know that I really need the stress relief. Working full time and doing IVF just does not work out. I told Nurse J today that if she could just guarantee me that this was going to work, I'd quit my stupid job right now so that it wouldn't get in the way.

But I need to keep my job because holy crap does this cost a lot of money!! We had to pay for the IVF itself which was $10,118 up front, then my meds were $1450 and that's not even all of them! I'll have at least another $500 yet. And besides all that we have another $2,000 bill coming for my HSG and IUI last month. If we are spending all this money for nothing again, its going to be a sad sad day for us. But the good news is my insurance deductible is pretty much met now so anything not related to IVF will be covered.

Everything is going to work out just fine. Its in God's hands and I trust Him. I just need to relax.

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